Going up a grade, how to ?
Published: 26 Oct 2006 - 19:34 by Viper
Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:50
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What is the norm regarding being put up a grade, is there a typical benchmark % of wins for a season, do you normally have to have won the pennant ?

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From gwl - 01 Nov 2006 - 22:07 - Updated: 01 Nov 2006 - 22:07
From rippa rit - 29 Oct 2006 - 20:59 - Updated: 29 Oct 2006 - 21:04
- Not enough teams in the grade, so scratch up one more team (players go up), saves having a bye match..
- Standard not well balanced (drop a player/s down)
- Winning at least 70% of matches may not justify going up a grade, but at least mean the players will go up a position within the team if there is a vacancy, usually occurring by taking one player in the division up higher (the player with the greatest percentage of 3;0 or 3:1 or wins), making room for another player.
- Acting as a reserve in the grade above (gives the person a feel for what is ahead and how they handle it).
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I don't think there is any easy way of doing such a thing. And also then for the association to approve a team is competitive enough for the nominated grade.
You have players that only want to play with certain friends, top heavy teams, bottom heavy teams, injuries through the season, and so on. All of which have to be managed...somehow.
Also, if a team wins the season doesn't necessarily mean that all team members are capable of competing at the next grade up. Nothing surprising there really.
It is encouraging to see players moving up positions to the #1 or #2 spot in the grade first before seeing them move up a grade, but as pointed out it does sometimes come back to a need of finding a player to fill the gap. This may also mean moving down a grade to fill the lineup.
So this means that in some competitions you would probably get a tougher match at playing #1 in a lower grade than you would at playing #3 or #4 in the higher grade.
So although generally you would expect a better match in the higher grade, this won't always be the case.
I am starting to like the idea of a 3 person team more and more. And also shorter seasons would perhaps more opportunity to realign grades and seed out the stronger/weaker teams/players.
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