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Published: 25 Oct 2006 - 21:46 by raystrach

Updated: 25 Oct 2006 - 21:46

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There is a light - could that be the end of the tunnel. Yes, i am back on the court and attempting to play, albeit in training. At least that way, you can keep things controlled and keep the unexpected movement to a minimum.

I would say that in a couple of weeks I will actually be really playing again. That will truly be a relief, but it is yet to happen. What is happening is that I am gradually increasing some light exercises and increasing my walking intensity.

Increasing walking intensity you ask?

If you read this blog regularly, you will know that speed is not one of my strengths. Even my walking is a lumbering motion. Remedy? My darling wife, Brenda, is about 5' 3' (160cm) and so when walking, I walk to the same cadence as her thus increasing my tempo quite considerably.

It is amazing what a difference it makes. Already, I feel the urge to quicken my pace etc etc. Already I am starting to realize how slow I really am!  Not that others are any different. Any average player honestly believes that they are as quick as Shabana, Palmer, Matthew or Nicol. When shown the evidence otherwise, are genuinely shocked!

That might be  the reason the great players seem to be doing it so easily. My game looks very similar as long the video is on fast forward.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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