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Advanced Improvements

Published: 25 Oct 2006 - 03:38 by squashgrove

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 14:55

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Wondering about some advanced drills for top level players. I'm coaching a couple of hot shot juniors right now (National Level Reps). What skills and fitness routines do you suggest?

Have been using 120s to great effect. Any other gold like this?



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From dmennie - 25 Oct 2006 - 06:54

Hi Grove,
Some others that may assist ...some you may know
Drop - boast with killer.
Speed Lunges.
Short and Long.
Long meduim short with volley
Depends on what you are trying to improve with the players. Skills, movement, speed, tactical, conditioning etc. Look at this then I can provide specifics
All the best
David M

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