The Best Raquet for Squash
Published: 24 Oct 2006 - 23:49 by vidya_mohe
Updated: 31 Jul 2008 - 19:09
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All brands are good I guess,but in my opinion,the best brand is that which feels good in the hand.Now that is an entirly personal choice,For example,with both Dunlop Ice tour Raquet and Head intelligence which weighs appox 120 gms,is very good when I paly with it,and try as mush,A Prince raquet is never good for my game.
Maybe its Psychological,but let it be that way,I want to play a good game,and both raquets and shoes are the implements when you have to play a good racquet game.
I started with a Head which was heavy and now I have moved on to A Head Intelligence which I feel is just great.
If anyone out there has something else to share,Please do it,I shall be glad for each one's opinions.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From yaehbhi - 31 Jul 2008 - 11:23
From drop-shot - 03 Jan 2007 - 07:28 - Updated: 03 Jan 2007 - 07:29
Re: Racketts
* According to my experience (proffesional amateur player

Happy Squashing!
From SamBWFC - 03 Jan 2007 - 03:20
From rippa rit - 29 Oct 2006 - 08:39
From msc - 28 Oct 2006 - 00:39 - Updated: 28 Oct 2006 - 00:40
I started out with Head as a Junior and liked the balanced feel of it, I was totally against Karakal at the time, they were waay too light for my game. 10 years later I notice the brands I used to loathe are coming up with some decent racquets - even Black Knight and Prince...but I still choose not to use them because of past opinions I guess. Now I am playing with a Manta racquet. I WAS playing with a 150 gram neutral weight Head, now I'm playing with a slightly head heavy 125g Manta Ice and I really like it...
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Hi All,
Has anyone used Wilson ncode 135 (
I've been using ncode 120 and loved the balance (head heavy) and slightly solid feel as compared to Head racquets.
Thanks very much for sharing your experience!
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