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Squash, Sport and 'Sportsbite'

Published: 08 Oct 2006 - 08:43 by jacqueline

Updated: 08 Oct 2006 - 09:26

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My squash career extends only to my local squash club where I languished in the bottom division of the league before turning my attentions to something I was good at! However, I am a sports fan and, as such, I am part of a team that has put together the web site. I am putting our necks on the line here but I have to ask you guys if you like our site and what you think of the premise of what we are doing. Squash is featured as one of our lead stories this week so I am hoping my timing is good! Be kind. Or not.
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From Viper - 08 Oct 2006 - 09:26

Nicely laid out informative site, with such a range of sports I am sure it will appeal.

For me though there is any number of sports related sites out there and rather than just regurgitate the facts and the facts only I would like to see some critical analysis. The site reads like a news scroll bar.

Needed is some investigative stories, critical analysis and some real editorial comment, otherwise it is nice but kind of boring.

So much of this kid of stuff lacks any  real opinion and for me it renders most of it informative but dull.

Supply the facts, but also actually "SAY SOMETHING"


Good luck with it

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