muscle weave pro wanted
Published: 05 Oct 2006 - 19:01 by missing_record2
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:37
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any body who has a dunlop muscle weave pro is good condition and is wanting to sell it email me with the details and how much you want for it. email is

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From drop-shot - 10 Oct 2006 - 18:57 - Updated: 10 Oct 2006 - 18:57
From missing_record1 - 07 Oct 2006 - 01:28
From BizarreCo - 06 Oct 2006 - 18:39
A good friend of mine was looking for the same racket too! We tried EVERYWHERE and couldn't find anything. In the end he's settled for an ICE Tour, but I've recently managed to get hold of a Grays Powerflow Elite. The Grays racket has a VERY similar balance to the Muscle Weave Pro, but is 5g lighter overall. Definitely worth a look though. I have my first training session with it tomorrow.
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I found them there as well
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