Are you still climbing?
Published: 31 Aug 2006 - 08:11 by rippa rit
Updated: 04 Sep 2006 - 08:20
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Are you still climbing or standing still?
As we improve and get closer to our pinnacle it gets harder to see the little things that make the difference in our game.
We have lots of things to pay attention to, eg consistency, accuracy, speed, concentration, opponent's attitude, the ref and the list goes on.
A few questions:
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As we improve and get closer to our pinnacle it gets harder to see the little things that make the difference in our game.
We have lots of things to pay attention to, eg consistency, accuracy, speed, concentration, opponent's attitude, the ref and the list goes on.
A few questions:
- do we evaluate what we are doing
- do we digress from the norm to find out
- do we keep a note of how we changed our play and record it
- do we solo practice to try to groove in the basic technique
- do we look at our various opponents and realise why we win/lose.

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From rippa rit - 02 Sep 2006 - 08:29 - Updated: 04 Sep 2006 - 08:20
From drop-shot - 31 Aug 2006 - 20:48 - Updated: 31 Aug 2006 - 20:48
.... it depends to whom do you talk to, Rita.
If you ask people "just addicted", they do not care too much on the planning and goal setting.
if you ask amateur-semi pro-club players, they should have a goal setting for the next season, year, two, three, etc...
Apart from that I think that people generally should have some goals set in their life, but it's not squash re:lated topic :-)
If you ask people "just addicted", they do not care too much on the planning and goal setting.
if you ask amateur-semi pro-club players, they should have a goal setting for the next season, year, two, three, etc...
Apart from that I think that people generally should have some goals set in their life, but it's not squash re:lated topic :-)
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Thinking about things do not actually make them happen, it is the process put in place that actually gets the results, and usually ever so gradually.
"Some people make it happen, and some say, What Happened?"
Enough said. I think we squashies are a breed of our own!
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