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My Experience with Squash

Published: 24 Aug 2006 - 15:14 by vidya_mohe

Updated: 24 Aug 2006 - 18:24

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With a coach like what I have,its very easy to fall in love with the game of squash.

A game which requires speed,technique and perfect timing,when I started playing,I used to think, that even with my flat foot,I am running because my coach was always standing and guiding me,telling me what I was doing right and what was not right.

I took his advice at each step,I am continously improving my game.I have invested in a very good pair of shoes,and that is really important in any raquet game,a very good pair of shoes which helps you run with speed and prevents you from falling.

When the raquet makes contact with the ball,the sound that one gets to hear is better than any music.What a thrill...

So my advice is all the players out there,invest in a great pair of shoes and a good raquet,and above all have a great coach.Happy SQUASHING.

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From drop-shot - 24 Aug 2006 - 18:24   -   Updated: 24 Aug 2006 - 18:24

Welcome to the club of addicted.

And you are right on the shoes and the racket. But you forgot to mention good strings. Becasue you can adventage your racket with good stringing a lot.
Coach is the most important factor in all levels of playing. No wonder no discussion here.

P.S. Great pair of shoes does not necessarily mean the newest hip models from brand X or Z. sometimes you can buy models from the previous year(s) twice cheaper.

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I am currently trying to adjust my basic swing technique based on the advice given here and throughout this brilliant website

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