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Injuries Prevention

Published: 10 Aug 2006 - 15:34 by missing_record12

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 15:12

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  I have started to play squash regularly for few months now but keep having knee injuries(pain on knee cap). I would really appreciate if anyone can help provide useful tips to prevent body injuries in general. 



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From missing_record1 - 11 Aug 2006 - 23:37

Try stretching. Not a few minutes before a match, but serious flexibility training. I try to stretch for 30 minutes before I go to bed. I wake up so much more refreshed when I do this and can really feel the difference the next morning when I have been lazy and not stretched the night before.

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From raystrach - 11 Aug 2006 - 09:44

start with your shoes - do they have sufficient shock absorbing qualities.

check this post on shoes and injuries

it has been my biggest cause of knee problems

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From rippa rit - 11 Aug 2006 - 07:42

roby - not sure how much training you have done, as well as your age, and weight - I do know the quads do stabilise the knee.  Here is a link which seems to offer a lot of sound advice for athletes, and this bulletin also refers to knee pain.

I guess to take this a step further, the line of referral would be Physiotherapist, then Orthopaedic Specialist for advice.

Good luck and let us know how you go?

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