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Brett Martin in the Kanto Open

Published: 23 Jul 2006 - 22:59 by markinjapan

Updated: 24 Jul 2006 - 22:38

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The post is a little late as the tournament was last weekend, but oh man, what a show!

Never having seen him play, all I could go with was what I read. Things like "the strongest wrist ever"
Not much more you can say than that, but even so, it doesn't quite sum it up. The speed he would put on the ball with just a wrist flick was mindblowing. And then the dead

Anyone played him? I see there are some videos of him on Are they worth it?squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From raystrach - 24 Jul 2006 - 08:17   -   Updated: 24 Jul 2006 - 22:38

hi markinjapan

if you have read the posts referring to comparisons with today's players and everyone getting carried away by how good the current crop are, you might now see where I am coming from. (despite the fact he would have to be close to 40 these days.)

this is a good example

I shared a healthy rivalry with Brett in the mid to late eighties just before the aussie players of that era hit the big time. (brett, rodney m, rodney eyles, austin addarraga, chris robbo, tristain nancarrow.) had a few wins too against him in those days. trouble was, i went down, he went up.

Brett was a great competitor, with incredible skill and ability to hit the ball just about anywhere from just about anywhere. When i asked him once (after not having seen him for a few years, he was WR 2) how he was going to beat Jansher, he responded without hesitation, "Break his legs"!

He was a very laid back character - he would go for his shots without hesitation.  this caused him to be a little "up and down" either within a match or between matches. An example:

I beat Brett one night in a competition on the Gold Coast (just south of Brisbane, Australia) where Brett and his brother Rodney and I amoung others were playing in  the number 1 position. The following night in the separate Brisbane competition, where Rodney (1) and I (2) played in the same team,  Brett beat  Rodney (who was ahead of Brett at that time) pretty easily. I could never beat Rodney.

They were all pretty young at the time, but within about 12 - 18 months they were in the world top 10.

ps. I also copped a thrashing that night from Brett's number 2 player!

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From rippa rit - 24 Jul 2006 - 07:37

Yeah, Brett and his brother Rodney could "pick the eye out of a needle". 
Any match when those guys were at their peak would be worth a look.

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