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Squash Cannon

Squash Cannon

Squash Cannon

Published: 18 Jul 2006 - 09:23 by Viper

Updated: 21 Jul 2006 - 08:12

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From missing_record1 - 21 Jul 2006 - 08:12

Avcr said it -- the balls go every where. That is the most annoying thing about them for me. Otherwise it is a great tool. The heater is key.

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From craig - 20 Jul 2006 - 11:40   -   Updated: 20 Jul 2006 - 11:45

The ball machine from my experience is great and it is a shame there are not more of  these available at clubs.
The one I used did not have a ball warmer so this warming idea would make a bit of a difference. 
By changing the speed and frequency of the ball coming out of the machine will enable you to visualise being in a game situation as the ball does not always come back into play at the same speed.
The main use for the machine I believe is the ability to change the settings.   By changing the setting, to an increased speed as you become more skillful, will improve your striking of the ball as you will find better balance and release with the repetition.

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From rippa rit - 20 Jul 2006 - 07:26

paul0 - well that was a bit drastic, and no doubt that person was not good at problem solving!!
What about cornflour or other stuff that might help, and what about just mopping the floor?

Oh well, we will never know

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From paul01323 - 20 Jul 2006 - 04:43

My club had one on loan for several months at the end of last year (although it was a different make and looked like a vacume cleaner on steroids). I enjoyed using it and found it a very good way to work my technique. However, there were problems like the balls needed dusting in talc to stop them sticking inside the machine and this caused the floor to become dangerously slippy after prolonged use. In the end someone cut the plug off so it couldn't be used any more.

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From avcr - 18 Jul 2006 - 23:21

The AIS have one that they use at Hibiscus. They are not cheap. They do heat up the balls and there are various settings you can use relating to speed, direction, angle and rate of delivery.

The idea is to direct the ball to the front wall first. The institute use it most when players come down for a hit on their own.

They do have one drawback (aside from the noise and heat they put out) that is that the balls can tend to collect around the player's feet. But nevertheless a useful tool for technique development.

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From Viper - 18 Jul 2006 - 13:26

From rippa rit - 18 Jul 2006 - 11:20

Viper - wow that is unusual.  Turn that into a robot and you have a good opponent too, and something you would have to manouvre around!!  So the ball comes out hot/warm?
Is the idea for the ball to hit the front wall before you hit/return it?
Where is that Cannon operating from, Australia?

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