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What a Pain in the Neck!, er Leg.

Published: 18 Jul 2006 - 09:19 by raystrach

Updated: 27 Jul 2006 - 21:38

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At 2 games to nil up, I was feeling reasonably happy with myself, after having come back from about 10 days break because of injury. I was playing to my game plan, executing my strokes as well as could be expected considering the disrupted past few weeks.

Then, in the 3rd game my play fell on the wrong side of that fine line that i have been treading of late. With Terry, the game plan is to mix up the play considerably, but keep the pace of the ball slower rather than faster. However, you must volley as much as possible to keep him of balance and also to help keep him of the T. The danger is that you start hitting tooo many balls too soft and you start to hang back a little. All of a sudden you are in negative territory.

Not long after the start of the third that is exactly what I started to do - play negatively. This enabled him to go on the front foot and take control of the game. I subsequently lost the game and a chance to wrap up the match quickly. No worries, I will really focus on these elements in the fourth and take my win.


A few points into the fourth, as I tried to retrieve a short ball, I took off on my injured leg and bang. (I had not felt any problems up to that point but was probably protecting it sub conciously a little) This wierd calf injury had reared it ugly head again, ensuring that I will spend the next two weeks on the sidelines. I just have to take the positives out of te match and make sure next time, I take my opportunities and win in 3.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From raystrach - 27 Jul 2006 - 21:38

thanks for that zoom

this injury is no a typical torn calf which i have had a couple of times, most recently about 7 years ago. the calf is an area i always warm up well so i don't think that was the problem either when i did it originally or on the subsequent occasion.

as you will read in subsequent posts, i have been doing some coaching nd some light work and recovery is progressing.

thanks for your feedback

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From zoom - 27 Jul 2006 - 13:50

Hi there,

I also injured my calf (torn gastroc) playing squash, so I fully sympathize.  I was out for about 6 weeks, except for very careful ball hitting exercises that didn't require much movement after about 3-4 weeks.  What really helped me was a course of physical therapy that consisted of ultrasound and hand massages of the injured area and progressively more strenuous strength exercises specifically designed for the damaged muscle.  One big lesson that I learned to properly warm up before matches.  I used to do that before, but never spent time on the gastroc.... big mistake.  I strongly advise you to stay away from competitive play until you're deemed ready by a professional.

I hope that you'll feel better soon.

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My search query found your posting pointing me to that....thanks so much!!  

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