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price for TF 305 string

Published: 15 Jul 2006 - 11:52 by squash36

Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:44

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hi im australian, i was going to buy a roll of tecnifibre 305 string for $210 for 110m, is this a good price or should i shop around some more?

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From rippa rit - 28 Aug 2006 - 20:37   -   Updated: 28 Aug 2006 - 20:45

squash36 - Just a quick calculation on the string price question.  
So, at the price quoted it is about $2 a metre.
For reckoning purposes, the average racket stringing job would take roughly 8m so that gives a cost of AU$16 for material - guess that is cheap if you do it yourself provided you don't muck it up; OR can get a good cheap quote for labour.

Just thinking, you better like the stuff, 'cos it is going to last a while.  It's a bit thick for fishing too.

Here is a link to another forum article about strings TF305 so maybe you can exchange notes

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