Squash News from around the globe
Published: 18 Jul 2006 - 09:04 by rippa rit
Updated: 18 Jul 2006 - 09:04
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If your Club or Centre does not have a website, and you have things happening that you feel you would like promoted, eg your players and events on the world wide web, talk to your Region or Association about linking to squashgame.info rss feed or better still establish a site.
Recently it has been difficult to find up to date News and results for the Forum, except for the up to date Squash Australia site. How come?
It has been over a week between news items on the World Squash site and the PSA site has had the same story in the News for more than a week. Squash Australia took up the opportunity of being involved with raystrach and squashgame and their website has gone from strength to strength in the last few months. Apart from Squash Oz, only the independant sites like Squash site and Squash Player stay up to date.
We just want to keep our members informed, and up to date.
ps check out our new podcast here
How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Recently it has been difficult to find up to date News and results for the Forum, except for the up to date Squash Australia site. How come?
It has been over a week between news items on the World Squash site and the PSA site has had the same story in the News for more than a week. Squash Australia took up the opportunity of being involved with raystrach and squashgame and their website has gone from strength to strength in the last few months. Apart from Squash Oz, only the independant sites like Squash site and Squash Player stay up to date.
We just want to keep our members informed, and up to date.
ps check out our new podcast here
![squash game squash extras](http://www.squashgame.info/images/info.png)
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