Beginner Racket & Ball?
Published: 12 Jul 2006 - 23:42 by Rasahi
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:48
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Hi All,
I have joined squash game last week, and i have bought a racket from my freind. When i joined this site today, i see that, their are heavy and light racket. My friend told me my racket its good for beginners. My question is, "How should i know if i'm using the correct racket"?. secondly they told me to buy white one dot ball and i bought yellow one dot ball, and they told me the ball i buy it not good for me. What is the difference?

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From rippa rit - 13 Jul 2006 - 07:34 - Updated: 13 Jul 2006 - 07:40
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Do not worry too much about the racket you have chosen, as it is very possible you will break it, as the walls are not kind to rackets.
Here is the link taking you to the Squash Library/How to Play/Balls. You will realise there are several balls to chose from. Once again do not worry too much. The important thing is that the ball bounces enough for you to hit it, and that you enjoy the game. As you get better, and develop your strokes, then you can get more selective.
Good luck with your squash. Keep going back to the Library on the Home Page, click around the tabs for more information. Also browse the Forum Archives where members like you have asked many questions about their game.
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