Dunlop - ice tour
Published: 12 Jul 2006 - 06:40 by fatness
Updated: 24 Nov 2006 - 18:37
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Hello There,
I bought 2 dunlop ice tours over a year ago and i broke one last weekend. however i did hit the wall full force a few times recently. I have played with head liquidmetal 140, wilson n code 140 and dunlop mw before and the ice tours are definetly the best racket by far.
I used to think that nothing could touch the head LM140 for power, but the ice tour is just as powerful but much more precise and generally feels better in the hand. It is also great for getting onto the volley quickly and is easier to hit the nick because of this, also it is very head light which helps. even though it is head light it is still forgiving when hitting an off-centre shot.
Some people say it vibrates more than the wilson but i personally find this better because it gives you feedback. I found the wilson an ok racket but feels like playing with a board with zero feedback.
Also it is easy to keep the racket head up ( good technique! ) because of its head light balance. I would highly reccomend them. I have just ordered 2 dunlop m-fil tours which i am told play the same as the ice tours but stiffer and stronger, so hopefully i wont break them! 150 pounds for 2 from gefen sports, great deal. I tried other online shops and the cheapest was 98 pounds for 1.
Hope this review helps lads,
John from rep of ireland.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From vidya_mohe - 24 Nov 2006 - 18:37
From missing_record1 - 07 Oct 2006 - 05:31
From dakbrar - 06 Oct 2006 - 09:38
From drop-shot - 17 Aug 2006 - 18:44 - Updated: 17 Aug 2006 - 18:45
one comment has to be added here.
And please do not take me wrong, I am user of Wilson n-Tour but I used to play with Head LM 140/120, Head Intelligence 120, e-squash rackets. I respect Dunlop rackets and I think I'd play with Ice Tour or Hot Melt whatever. But I do not agree with you regarding "playing the board" with zero feedback". The devil lies in details. And most probably the details are in the strings you use. Wilson is pre-strung with Helixx and believe me, those are horrible strings. Cut them off immediately and change for Ashaway or Tecnifibre. Then, if you felt your racket is like the board I'd say, loosen the string tension. And all-in-all I say it depends on your game style and technique... Having said that I am sure you can play with any racket (sic!) if you have good strings and tension.
And last but not least comment – according to my experience there is no racket that "vibrates" unless you hit properly. I found all those "dumpers" or "silencers" as man call it as piece of marketing crap.
Keep saquashing that black bouncy devil.
From rippa rit - 12 Jul 2006 - 08:43
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