Published: 04 Jul 2006 - 05:53 by JJSOOTY
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 09:06
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I was talking to a friend of mine recently and he was talking about his latest racquet and how much he has enjoyed playing with it. I can't remember the exact model but he said it was a Karakal. I'm just wondering what knowledge anyone in here has about them as I've never tried one and they seem to be a relatively small company.(In comparison to Wilson etc) I'm not considering buying one myself I'm just curious.

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From Daren - 18 Aug 2006 - 13:06 - Updated: 18 Aug 2006 - 13:09
From Sportsfan3006 - 08 Aug 2006 - 00:30
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Here's my take on Karakal racquets. I've had 3 different models of them over the years and compared them to Head, Prince, Dunlop and also a Wilson racquet.
- they have a flexible frame whereas a racquet like Head has a stiffer frame (the slightly flexy frame of the karakal may be good to try if you have tennis elbow)
- they are VERY durable in my experience. I believe these are the toughest racquets I've ever used.
- the grip is more rounded (like a prince), whereas a Head grip is square shaped.
I highly recommend these racquets due to their toughness. If you are breaking too many racquets give a Karakal a try - If you like the feel of the slightly flexy frame, then go for it. Good racquets in my experience.
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