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Thorlos socks

Published: 17 Jun 2006 - 07:06 by stevep05

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:01

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Anyone used these - are they worth the money over a 'normal' pair of socks from a sport shop?


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From rippa rit - 20 Jun 2006 - 08:16

Yep, a good idea when purchasing squash shoes to take your socks along.  There is at least a half a size difference by the time you fit thick wool blend socks, as opposed to nylon/cotton blend. 
Your feet are important or you will end up with blisters, corns and calluses in 20 years time or sooner

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From missing_record1 - 19 Jun 2006 - 23:30

Thorlos are good socks. They are well made and overly cushioned (if you like that). I use the Thorlo tennis socks sometimes, and the one thing I have found is that you may need to order a size larger shoe -- they are very thick socks! I actually prefer a thinner sock, though.

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From raystrach - 17 Jun 2006 - 20:58

don't know about thorlos socks, but i always wear wool blend socks, the ones with the thick wool weave on the inside and the nylon "outer" sock skin. they might be called hiking socks in your area.

here is a us sock link

they are not expensive compared to the name (eg nike, puma)  brand cotton or nylon socks. after wearing these you will never go back.  yuor feet think they have died and gone to  heaven when you wear these, but fortunately they won't smell that way!

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From rippa rit - 17 Jun 2006 - 20:39

That brand name does not mean anything to me.
The important thing is what the socks are made of, eg 70% wool, 30% synthetic.
The thicker the better, provided you can still fit into your shoes that is.
Read the label and let us know.

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rippa, I had a chance to try the tips you generously provided and they worked well

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