Dunlop - Hot Melt Pro
Published: 17 Jun 2006 - 05:28 by stevep05
Updated: 15 Oct 2007 - 06:14
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Have been using this racket for a month now, have to say I am completely unhappy with it and wish I had not bought it. I can only say that everytime I hit the ball with it I get terrible feedback and it seems as if I have miss hit the ball. I actually went back to using my old Prince over this racket but broke the prince last week so have been forced to use the Hot Melt. Anyway, today I have taken delivery of a new Prince O3 so will hopefully be back to what I am used to.
Final nail in the coffin was when I played yesterday and the sttrings broke, right in the centre of the racket. Not very impressive on a racket which is only 4wks old and been played with about 17 matches.
Anyone else had these problems with this racket. The other problem I had with it is the vibration in my arm - never had this with any other racket.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From SamBWFC - 15 Oct 2007 - 06:14
From dazza_16390 - 14 Oct 2007 - 09:06
From missing_record1 - 25 Aug 2006 - 00:42
From rippa rit - 24 Aug 2006 - 07:37
I know of a player who was in the rep team and wanted to strengthen up his arm so added some weight, and the idea was good, but he then developed a "tennis elbow" - so just be cautious.
Because of the forearm pronation/supination in the squash technique that is probably where the weight can be a problem. In tennis with a straighter arm action/shoulder rotation it is a different swing.
From missing_record1 - 23 Aug 2006 - 23:31
From SamBWFC - 19 Aug 2006 - 08:32
From mrose - 18 Aug 2006 - 08:33
From opetrescu - 15 Aug 2006 - 23:50
From squash36 - 15 Jul 2006 - 11:47
From missing_record1 - 17 Jun 2006 - 05:58
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