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Last Job - Install a Brain

Published: 15 Jun 2006 - 10:54 by raystrach

Updated: 15 Jun 2006 - 18:58

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I am moving pretty well and I am hitting the ball pretty well and soon as I get a brain I will be playing pretty well. Take a couple of typical examples from tonite's match.
  1. I start the match with all the good intentions to play tight and keep the errors down - within 2 rallies I am going for crazy shots
  2. I have just made a crazy decision to go for a particular shot. I compose myself between rallies, reminding myself of what I have to do. - In the time it takes for the ball to reach me, instead of playing that deep steady shot that I had in mind, i think that the previous miss was a bit of bad lack and that I am going to make it this time!

I start off each game giving away four or five points. I then play disciplined Squash and draw level. I then (prematurely) decide that I am playing well and start going for crazy stuff and/or hitting witout thinking. Lose the next four or five points and the game. I lost the three games like that tonite.

The thing is, when I play with some discipline, I am playing quite well and winning the rallies/points. I am also talking to myself continually giving myself evaluation and advice - from past experience that is a sure sign that I am not playing with a brain.

So if anyone has seen a brain lying about anywhere, email it to me please.

It is now time to get serious about my mental preparation.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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Hi Rita and Ray, I just want to express my word of thanks.Founding your website in December totally revalued my attitude towards the game.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.

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