Info for Your Squashgame

Blue Card Holders

Published: 12 Jun 2006 - 09:23 by Bruce2

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 09:11

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Brisbane Region Squash
Invites all members who are employed or coach or have any involvement within the Squash Industry whether paid or not and who are involve with juniors for a free workshop to explain your legal responsibilities.

A spokesperson from the CCYPG will be giving the workshop and I hope this will answer all questions about this very important subject

To be held at Sports House Unit 9 Caxton St (cnr Castlemaine St) Milton 4064


at (9 o’clock am 22nd June 2006)

 We need to know numbers RSVP by 13th June 2006 by Return E-Mail

The Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of children and young people in Queensland, particularly those most vulnerable.  Recent changes in the Commission's legislation highlight the vital role that people who work with children play in creating safe, supportive environments for the young people accessing their services and act The Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of children and young people in Queensland, particularly those most vulnerable.  Recent changes in the Commission's legislation highlight the vital role that people who work with children play in creating safe, supportive environments for the young people accessing their services and activities.

Regulated businesses and employers of people in regulated employment-which includes sporting organisations  are now required by law to have an annual risk management strategy in place by mid-January 2006. The Commission offers information and training to raise awareness of this new legislation, including a risk management strategy framework to guide compliance.

Our free half-day workshop includes straightforward information, scenarios, group discussion and a practical resource package.
Participants are able to assess their current practices and begin planning to address possible gaps. The workshop is especially relevant for people involved in management, recruitment, training and/or policy development in their organisation.

Topics covered by the training and resource package include:
* legislation
* child abuse, and child protection strategies
* liability and duty of care
* risk management and employment screening
* action planning.
Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 Division 1B Risk Management Strategies 99G 


Risk management strategies about regulated businesses and persons employed in regulated employment
(1) This section applies to each of the following -
            (a)  a person who carries on a regulated business;
            (b)  a person (an employer) who employs someone else in employment that is regulated    employment.
(2)  For each year, a person to whom this section applies must develop and implement a written strategy about the regulated business and, if the person is an employer, for persons employed in regulated employment (a risk management strategy).
Maximum penalty - 20 penalty units.
(3) The purpose of a risk management strategy is to implement employment practices and procedures to promote the wellbeing of a child affected by the regulated business or employment and to protect the child from harm.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), a regulation may prescribe the matters that are to be included in a risk management strategy.
(5) In this section - persons employed in regulated employment includes each of the following who are employed in regulated employment -
(a) persons for whom the employer has applied for a prescribed notice;
(b) persons who hold a positive notice;
(c) persons who need not hold a positive notice; persons about whom the employer is notified under section 122B

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