A Bad Case of Kneemonia
Published: 11 Jun 2006 - 22:49 by raystrach
Updated: 11 Jun 2006 - 22:49
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I have played a few times since returning from a seven week break. My playing in that time has resulted in a sore wrist, backside, shoulder and thighs. All this muscular soreness form playing intense Squash.
Yesterday I coached for 2 hours in addition to playing for almost an hour. Occasionally I fill in for friend who coaches for a couple of hours each Saturday. I also play at that club. I always get heaps of takers with many of the cub's better players wanting a few tips.
Of course when the top players want tips it usually includes plenty of work to maintain the intensity. Although yesterday's session was about mid range in that respect, my lack of recent hard squash and the additional games against a couple of good players gave me an extra good work out, especially as I had just recovered from last Wednesday's five set match.
As a result I felt sore all over, especially in the knees. Hopefully this will disappar quite quickly. I will buy a new set of sorbothane shoe inserts as i think my asic gel shoes are on the way out even though they look ok.
The good thing is that I am starting to feel the ball onto the racket a little again, so I should get a little form back pretty quickly. Looking forward to a good game next Wednesday, against my old adversary, Brian Cook, a multiple World Masters Champion who is a few years older than me. (yes, very old) How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Yesterday I coached for 2 hours in addition to playing for almost an hour. Occasionally I fill in for friend who coaches for a couple of hours each Saturday. I also play at that club. I always get heaps of takers with many of the cub's better players wanting a few tips.
Of course when the top players want tips it usually includes plenty of work to maintain the intensity. Although yesterday's session was about mid range in that respect, my lack of recent hard squash and the additional games against a couple of good players gave me an extra good work out, especially as I had just recovered from last Wednesday's five set match.
As a result I felt sore all over, especially in the knees. Hopefully this will disappar quite quickly. I will buy a new set of sorbothane shoe inserts as i think my asic gel shoes are on the way out even though they look ok.
The good thing is that I am starting to feel the ball onto the racket a little again, so I should get a little form back pretty quickly. Looking forward to a good game next Wednesday, against my old adversary, Brian Cook, a multiple World Masters Champion who is a few years older than me. (yes, very old) How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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