Info for Your Squashgame

New Features

Published: 02 Jun 2006 - 11:50 by raystrach

Updated: 04 Jun 2006 - 13:34

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Regular visitors to may have noticed a few new features. Most important of these is the ability to add images to Members' Forum and Gear Review posts and replies. This has been done at the suggestion of  Viper who brought up the idea a few months ago. Thanks Viper fo your continued input. A couple of posts have this feature working. More points:
  • For posts, it shows one image at top right in the post, then lists each subsequent image below. Clicking on any link will open a separate slide show of all images beginning with the one selected
  • For replies, it shows a list of the image links again opening to a slide show for multiple images
  • You must use preloaded images to use this feature
  • You will notice an information link at the bottom of each post (before the replies) this link provides you with the details on how to add images - it is very simple
  • The format of the images is temporary pending feedback - let us know your thoughts on how the system works
Squash Websites
Though our Squash Websites service had been available for some time, we have not done that much to promote them outside this website. We have just started a major drive to promote them externally and also added some more features to make the system more user friendly.

If you have been thinking about a website for yourself or your Club/Association, many Assocations around the world have been provided with discounted offers for their members. Look out for them in your email. Maybe you could let your organisation or coach know about our service. ranking continues to be the No. 1 Squash site on the Internet, according to Alexa, the web's top site ranking service. Our numbers have dropped slightly since the highs of March during the Commonwealth Games (as have all Squash sites), but membership numbers and other key stats have continued to power ahead.

We owe this, in part, to our members, especially our Forum contributors, who provide fantastic copy for our website. I think we have a great balance of questions, information, argument, small talk and humour which is genuinely enjoyable to be a part of. We are learning all the time and I hope that you are too. Rita and I appreciate every post and comment made. We do work hard to provide you with the very best and we do appreciate your contributions. Always remember to never let us bully you!!

We also appreciate our members who are regular visitors but who may not participate in the forum.  We appreciate your extra effort in logging in. It helps encourage us to keep going.

More Coming
Although a number of improvements have been tidied, we will be continuing to improve the site. Look out for the news of a former WR top 10 player joining the community soon.  He will be featured in our Gold membership section (extensive resources being put together as we speak) and will continue to make contributions to our increased activites.

Keep participating and contributing!squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!

From raystrach - 04 Jun 2006 - 13:34

no worries adz

i am glad to see you have become a regular contributor, and i do appreciate and look forward to your contributions. i hope we and other members continue to have lively debate and discussion. it is always good to hear other points of view, both in agreement and disagreement. it keeps us all on our toes!

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From BizarreCo - 02 Jun 2006 - 22:04

As a relative Newbie to the SquashGame website, I just like to add that you guys do a fantastic job with the site and I hope that it keeps going strong for many more years to come!


It's a testament to the quality of the site that it clearly has some extremely good squash coaches / advisers at it's helm, and I've recommended it to many players that are keen to know more about the agony and ecstacy that is SQUASH!!


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I could never imagine that fixing the backhand swing would have such a tremendous effect,

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