Prince - Triple Threat Tungsten Sovereign
Published: 25 May 2006 - 13:55 by zoom
Updated: 14 Apr 2007 - 04:50
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I've had this racquet for about 6 months now and here's a summary:
Pros: Good control, large sweet spot, forgiving, minimal vibrations, factory string (Sweet Perfection 17) is not bad, good balance for my taste (about even), light, and seems to be durable.
Cons: Average on power. Stringing is relatively straight forward, except that weaving the cross strings can be somewhat painful close to the throat, recommend an overgrip (I use the Karakal PU Supergrip as an overgrip).
Other racquets used: Dunlop Black Max Carbon Ti, and Dunlop Hotmelt Pro.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From nickhitter - 14 Apr 2007 - 04:50
From aprice1985 - 13 Apr 2007 - 07:08
From VolleyDrop - 21 Dec 2006 - 08:14
Thanks for your review.
I think this is an excellent racquet. My pros and cons:
Pros - Very accurate, quick, enough power, picks up tight rail shots well, good weight, durable, good tapered and comfortable grip design.
Cons - Terrible OEM string (great with Technifibre 305!).
I've been looking for something a bit quicker for volleying and I think I've found it in the Wilson nCode n120. I'll post a review in a month or two after it gets a bunch of matches under its belt.
Other racquets used - Various BlackKnight, Prince and Wilson models.
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