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Squash Geek

Published: 22 May 2006 - 08:10 by rippa rit

Updated: 29 May 2006 - 10:34

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It would be a good idea to leave the forum until Raystrach logs in and realises his uploading of stuff has some bugs  The forum articles are all jumbled up.
Still think it is the pictures that are the problem, as the posts added without pics seem ok.

Please be patient, as he is due back home within a few days.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From raystrach - 29 May 2006 - 10:01   -   Updated: 29 May 2006 - 10:34

you will be pleased to know that i THINK  i have sorted all the bugs associated with some new fum features. i will be adding a separate post on this shortly after i add some help files to assist with use.

if, in the meantime you can figure it out for yourself, go right ahead and use the multi image additions to both posts and replies.

plase note that  it is possible to add/manage images (as long as they are in your image folder or the community image folder) directly in the original post and the reply (so long as you created the posts and  you are logged in ) with a direct link.

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From rippa rit - 23 May 2006 - 15:03

Have made contact with RayStrach and it may not be possible for him to sort out the BUG in the Pictures immediately - please be patient...only a few days to go now.

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