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open racket and more

Published: 04 May 2006 - 02:13 by ddraver

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:37

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I'm the same one that asked about spin, boasts and the nick so here goes another simple question (i haven't found a squash forum before so ive loads of questions, particulalry as i don't have a coach)

when you all talk about an open racket face what are u on about? i'm pretty sure i know but....

secondly, on the nick, whats the best way to practice hitting the nick as at the moment its complely hit and miss if it goes any where near it

 And thirdly....what is a corkscrew shot, the videos in one of the older posts shows them but i can't see t bal well enough to tell what s going on, sounds like a cool trickshot, althouigh not a game shot!!!



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From rippa rit - 04 May 2006 - 06:54

ddraver - my reply will be boring.
See the menu at the top "Squash Library" - put your cursor on that, and a menu will appear - progressively click on all of those tabs and a submenu will appear under each of those headings, click on the chapters within those topics and you will find lots of the jargon explained, as well as having diagrams to help you get it.

Stick to basic stroking first is my advice.  Once you get the grip, the swing, forehand and backhand under control you can then start to add more strokes to your armoury.

Once you can stroke the ball, then look at basic tactics.

Be patient and take one step at a time.

Keep coming back as our members will encourage you along.
Good luck

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