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The other Scottish John White - the Aust one....

Published: 01 May 2006 - 22:10 by Viper

Updated: 02 May 2006 - 07:51

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I did not realise JW is Australian, from Queensland no less, anyone have any more background on his early days in Australia, where was his parents squash center ?

So often champions grew up in squash clubs run by their parents.

"I was born in Queensland, Australia on 15th June 1973. I was introduced to squash by my parents, Ian and Lynne, who owned a squash club. When I was young I played lots of different sports, including cricket, soccer and T-Ball, but deciding to concentrate more on squash when I was 16. I was coached by Joe Shaw at the age of 17, before heading south to Brisbane to be a member of the Australian Institute of Sport for the next five years....."

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From rippa rit - 02 May 2006 - 07:48   -   Updated: 02 May 2006 - 07:51

Yeah - I guess it is hard to remember what you did as a kid and have a sort of sketchy background of how it all began. That is pretty sketchy above for sure. 
John had coaching by his Dad originally and was in all state elite training from about under 15. By the time Joe Shaw came on the scene he already had made the grade so to speak, and was accepted to the AIS.  During John's time Qld had an excellent bunch of young players and a great junior tournament circuit so they were exposed to match pressure early in their career.  He was not the best but always in about the top 4 for his age.
Here is a link to my coaching profile area, scroll down the bottom and click on the various photos and there are some with Joseph Kneipp, Robyn Cooper, John White, Rachael Grinham, Chris Robertson, etc.  involved in squads etc. so John was a good player, a tall lanky kid with specs. 
When John and his brother were doing well in squash parents leased a centre for a while in Townsville.  I believe Ian and Lyn now live at the Gold Coast.
Ian was born in Scotland, but his accent did not sound scottish to me...... probably a mixture ....
A few of our juniors went back to their parents native land to represent, as it was tough in Australia to be No. 1.  The same happened to Austin Adarraga who played for and coached the spanish team some years ago.
Chris Robertson married a lass from Wales some 13 years ago and then accepted a position as the Welsh National Coach. 
Shaun Moxham from Belgium grew up in Brisbane, represented as a Junior, went overseas and stayed on - his parents also leased a centre for a while when Shaun was doing well. 

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