Knee injury
Published: 01 May 2006 - 08:57 by fatness
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:38
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hello there,
over the past year my right knee has become painful. it is especially painful when in the bent position (driving is a nightmare!) and gets extremely painful after squash. i went to a physio and he gave me orthotic insoles which slightly helped. i also did exercises of tensing the quadriceps but it wont go away. i have been told by a doctor its nothing serious, that physio should sort it. it wont go away!
do i just keep at the physio, or should i see a specialist? its really affecting my squash as i cant play 2 days in a row because the pain gets too bad, help!!!

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From BizarreCo - 02 May 2006 - 19:50
From rippa rit - 01 May 2006 - 13:10
In the knee any inflamation will aggravate it as the joint bends so ICE will certainly help reduce swelling and pain.
Really without an x-ray it will be hard to tell the condition of the knee joint.
Firstly talk to the Dr about an x-ray, then referral to the Orthopaedic Specialist should put you on the right track.
If it is muscular the physio will help and then rest from squash together with strengthening exercises and that could take a month depending on how severe it is.
Are the shoes you are wearing court shoes (not joggers I hope).
Are you favouring one leg and making it do most of the pushing-off?
Often these problems are a combination of all of the above.
Carrying excess weight does not help either?
There could be some technique problem with the footwork and weight-transfer which is aggravating it too, eg knee and feet not in alignment when load is applied.
Let us know how it goes
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I've suffered from various injuries in my time, and a dislocation of my right knee (four times) ranks up there as one of the worst. Do you find that the pain is worse on cold days? Is the pain above, below or behind the knee-cap? Does the knee cap appear to be in the same place as the other leg (check bent and straight). Take the answers to these questions to the orthopaedic specialist, as it will help with diagnosis.
One thing that I can definately recommend to all aging squash players is Glucosamine Sulphate. This suppliment helps to build the joints back up. Many players I know swear that this stuff has put off their retirement from the game by 10 years! In a similar way to creatine, it doesn't work with everyone, but there's noting to lose from giving it a go. If you're unsure, speak to a doctor about what it does and how much you should take as a trial.
I hope some of this helps!
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