Calls on Service
Published: 13 Jul 2004 - 18:53 by rippa rit
Updated: 02 Mar 2006 - 19:41
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Foot fault - One foot not in the service box, walking out of the service box before hitting the service.
Not up - The server makes an attempt but fails to hit the ball. The ball is not struck correctly.
Out - The ball is served out.
Fault - The ball does not hit the front wall first. The ball is served onto or below the cutline. The ball does not land in the correct service box.
Down - The ball hits the board. The ball, before being struck, hits a player's clothes or anything he wears or carries.
Let - Opponent not ready to receive the serve.
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Not up - The server makes an attempt but fails to hit the ball. The ball is not struck correctly.
Out - The ball is served out.
Fault - The ball does not hit the front wall first. The ball is served onto or below the cutline. The ball does not land in the correct service box.
Down - The ball hits the board. The ball, before being struck, hits a player's clothes or anything he wears or carries.
Let - Opponent not ready to receive the serve.

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