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Squash Newbie

Published: 09 Apr 2006 - 22:34 by djenkins

Updated: 11 Apr 2006 - 04:23

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Hi Everyone!

Just been wandering around this site and like what I see, Googled Squash drills and found you. I just wanted to ask a couple of questions, that might seem a bit easy for you guys!

Basically watched some of the commonwealth coverage (not a lot) and remembered playing a little in high school and wanted to start it again (I cant remember anything though). Anyways I have booked a coaching lesson at my local club - are there any tips on knowing if he is any good? I wouldnt want to spend to much time with someone that wasn't good as it might damage my progress.

Through an error I am already in a league at my local leisure centre (she said she would take my details and pass them onto the guy that runs it, he didnt contact me and just put details up on a board and stuck me in the bottom league). So a guy rang me up and arranged our first game (after my first lesson) - what is court etiqutte ie: he has the court in his name and clearly it costs money? I dont mind paying but do you split the cost or loser pays etc? I wouldnt want to offend anyone.

I read somewhere "dont play to get fit, be fit to play!" - I wouldnt say I am unhealthy. But do you think going to the gym and working out a little will help... i get out of breath lifting my pint!! Should I change waht i eat as well?

Final question for today.... what is the diference between a two spotted yellow ball and a one spot yellow ball? and dont say the number of spots =P

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From djenkins - 11 Apr 2006 - 04:23

Thank you for your replies, you each make very valid and objective points. I do want to take it quite seriously, sounds bad but I like to win (I think everyone does)! But I know that does not come with a price and that I am going to loose loads before I get anywhere.

I have taken your advice and had a look more into the site - plenty of knowledge and experience gone into this site - thank you guys!! I have found a good deal on membership fees for myleisure centre includes squash and gym so will go for that!!!!

I am from Preston - going to play league at Fulwood Leisure Centre and being coached by a called Brian Cowan at Preston Grasshoppers - i think that what you meant by "Old Dart" is it a southern saying??

cheers for your replies guys - i am sure that I will have many more questions to come!

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From JJSOOTY - 11 Apr 2006 - 01:44

Whilst they all make it sound very serious it's not.  Whats most important is that you actually enjoy playing and enjoy your training and games.  Even if you get absolutely thrashed (which I'm sure you won't) it doesn't really matter does it.  Go on court to win but don't get all depressed if you don't.  Yeh you've got to have a certain level of fitness but don't go over board on the whole gym thing.

ps    Unless you want to get really serious about squash don't give up what you like eating!


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From aprice1985 - 10 Apr 2006 - 22:18

I would just differ in what viper said about the gym, while raquet skills are very important it is key that you become an all round player, not just for your squash but for your body, if you only play squash you work certain joints and not others and this alters your bodys balance, also squash is a high impact sport and doing some form of gentler exercise will offset the high impact of squash by gently building you up and preventing long term injuries.  The gym or swimming are the two things i would encourage a bit of the most, it doesn't have to be too frequent or regular but it should help.

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From rippa rit - 10 Apr 2006 - 21:39

David - it looks like they hooked you in - that is good, now you will soon be fit for sure.
You said you had looked around the site.  Take your time going through the Library (on the Home Page), click on the menus, and submenus, and more tabs and a lot of your questions will be answered.

About costs.  That is really dependent on where you are playing.  Often club players have a set rate for competition.  The person running the club/centre will have a list of charges for various programs.
Usually the ball is costed into the competition fee.
Each competition generally does have a set of rules/bylaws so you should be able to get hold of a copy to read.

Viper is right about what you eat.  Certainly if you carry any excess weight be selective about your food.  If you are referring to what to eat prior to playing that will also be contained in the Library.

Good luck.

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From Viper - 10 Apr 2006 - 08:06

Welcome to the forums, BTW time to hand our ashes back in a few months !

"going to the gym and working out a little will help"

I would not bother at this stage, you need to build racket skills first


"Should I change what i eat as well?"

If you are serious, yes, time to shelve the pork pies and pickled onions I am afraid, get lean to be mean.


"what is the diference between a two spotted yellow ball and a one spot yellow ball?"

Speed, you should always use 2 dot balls.


Where abouts are you from in the "Old Dart"

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Rippa Rit is definitely the one to listen to regarding squash advice

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