Published: 08 Apr 2006 - 22:42 by fatness
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:27
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hello thre,
i have been playing squash for a few years now and have also gotten coaching, learning technique movement etc. at first i improved rapidly but am now stuck in a rut. i can hit the ball absolutely perfect during coaching or knock up and also move well, but in a close match or comp i just fall apart and every bad habit i ever had comes flooding back, help please!!!!!!!!!!

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From missing_poster30 - 09 Apr 2006 - 18:54
From missing_poster30 - 09 Apr 2006 - 18:47
From rippa rit - 09 Apr 2006 - 08:20 - Updated: 09 Apr 2006 - 08:22
- It sounds like it is more a mental thing where you are rushing or certainly not relaxed in your game. I have a few ideas so just take a look to see which seems to be the best approach.
- Is the coach putting you under pressure during the coaching session, eg recovering the ball while running towards the back wall making you move under physical pressure? If not, that needs to be introduced.
- After the lesson, how much solo practice are you doing to really grove in the new swing or whatever?
- Read the Mental skills section, and in particular look at visualisation, and mental rehearsal.
- Try to only concentrate on one thing at a time during the match, eg watch the ball, get the racket back early, hit to the front wall targets - all of these are possible as one objective really.
- Take you time between points.
- Inhale deeply and slowly between points.
- Only think about things you can control, and forget about the opponent, or Ref etc.
- Warmup well before going on court.
- Be patient and not try to win every point too early.
Is this anything like what you have been doing?
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