It's Embarassing!
Published: 07 Apr 2006 - 08:19 by raystrach
Updated: 07 Jun 2006 - 00:26
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Dmennie made a good point about controlling the controllable. When the mind is not on the job, no matter how hard you try, focus is almost impossible to achieve. This was amply demonstrated the last two nights when I probably played some of the worst Squash that I have played in the last twelve months.
On both nights combined I cannot remember play more than 1 or 2 good rallies. Fortunately, I had been playing well and although I wasbeaten convincingly on both occasions I w as at least able to make somthing of a match on each occasion
Unfortunately, it fell so short of what I had been doing previously, I was bitterly disappointed. It realy does demonstrate the power of the mind in determining your performance level.
On wednesday especially, I was feeling as though I had been awake fo about 40 hours straight. (being formerly in a manufacturing business, i have worked up to 40 hours straight to get jobs finished on time!). On this occasion I had been getting some sleep the previous few nights, but not many. I have got so much to do before I go away.
I am not quite sure whether it was the fact that I knew I was going to play poorly which caused the problem (self fulfilling prophecy) or whether it was the fact that I was so down physically. I was certainly trying to be positive.
I won't go into the things that happened today, suffice to say that my car broke down going to the squash club Little did I know that that was going to be the best thing to happen on the day! The reason being that I was i the process of selling the car. Luckily the service mechanic was able to fix the problem andwhile he was at it fixed another problem that had been plaguing the car in recent weeks.
Every cloud has a silver lining! Just put the Squash game down to experience.
PS. My best wished to Paul who I played last night for the first time in about 16 years. He has had a few health problems recently and is having tests today to see if it requires another operation. Best of luck mate! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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From raystrach - 07 Jun 2006 - 00:26
From pug505man - 01 May 2006 - 11:24
I conversely find when i feel fantastic is when I play poorly. Cuz it is like my brain (such as it is) thinks it doesnt have to concentrate on the job. Whereas when I feel under the weather I play well cuz my concentration levels ramp right up.
From raystrach - 19 Apr 2006 - 16:43 - Updated: 19 Apr 2006 - 16:44
been away with little internet access.
if only it had worked for me on that day - looks like you got away with one there msc. take them when you can!
ps will post some more on my blog shortly
From msc - 19 Apr 2006 - 07:25
Hi Ray,
Similar happened to me halfway through my most consistent season ever; I walked ont he court tired and lead-footed, not really "up to" the game, more like a half-second behind it....somebody on my team was nice enough to tell me to just hit length (ie basically telling me I was playing like Cr*p but to salvage some self-respect and extend the rallies hit it long) out came the loopy long shots...and lo and behold my opponent seemed caught! I didn't care, I was tired and unable to get my head together so kept it long occasionally dropping when I miraculously was in front and too tired to play anything else...anyway, somehow after being 2 games down I won in a very messy, befuddled, tiring 5 games. All I can think is that my opponent got lulled into a false sense of security after the first 2 easy games and couldn't recover, I was beyond caring, I just wanted some sleep, though it was crossing my mind that I would prefer to beat this girl if I could! I often remind myself when I am down or tired that a change in mind can change the game and I really try to do that...maybe this occasion it worked...cheerio!
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for those who know about the game of cricket, you often see batters who are injured have a hot streak of form. seems they restrict their shotmaking when injured which results in fewer risks and more runs.
if only we could bottle it!
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