helping concentration
Published: 05 Apr 2006 - 07:39 by aprice1985
Updated: 05 Apr 2006 - 21:38
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I am having problems with losing my concentration at points during matches and losing a run of points because i am not focused on them, has anyone any tips on how to improve this part of the game?
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From rippa rit - 05 Apr 2006 - 21:38
From raystrach - 05 Apr 2006 - 08:01 - Updated: 05 Apr 2006 - 08:04
hi aprice
what you are describing is one of the main problems I have had over many years. you might want to look at some of my blogs over the past few weeks. a lot of them cover his area.
also, the guru wrote an article which covered this topic quite well. Find it here. Also review our Mental Skills section -this will help povide background
basically it comes down to mental preparation and your your between rally routine. it is a problem not easily mastered. ask more questions if you can't figure out what this is all about.
what you are describing is one of the main problems I have had over many years. you might want to look at some of my blogs over the past few weeks. a lot of them cover his area.
also, the guru wrote an article which covered this topic quite well. Find it here. Also review our Mental Skills section -this will help povide background
basically it comes down to mental preparation and your your between rally routine. it is a problem not easily mastered. ask more questions if you can't figure out what this is all about.
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