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Practice before a match - how long ?

Published: 03 Apr 2006 - 15:39 by Viper

Updated: 14 Aug 2006 - 19:04

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What is the advice re a practice session before a match, I am thinking of a 45min solo session the day before an important match, is that too soon, or OK do you think ?




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From rippa rit - 14 Aug 2006 - 19:04

Viper - what did you find out about your hit up? Just a couple of points about the courts.
During any Australian Champs the players always want to get to the courts as soon as possible and as much as possible before the event starts.  Why? Not so much for the actual practice, but:
  • All venues are not the same, ie the floor, walls, lighting, the weather, etc  so players like to feel "at home" on the court when the important matches start.
  • Also, the type of ball being used for the matches, is always sought out, as there is some difference in the brand of ball, and it can vary from district/State/Country.
  • If you were in, say a pennant final, and it was a neutral court, it would be a good idea to book a training match on those courts prior to the final, for the reasons mentioned above.
The other problem is that some players would feel mental pressure if the on-the-day game ended up not so good.  Playing badly that day could tend to play on your mind, and destroy your confidence in the real match.
I would recommend a relaxed solo hit up during the day, concentrating on fluency and rhythm, as you  go over all the strokes.
Try it out and see if it works for you. 

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From rippa rit - 05 Apr 2006 - 21:59

Viper - you probably have read this link Preparation/Stretches
which applies to a match.  It is a bit unusual to be able to have a solo practice before a match, and most people do not do that, or maybe just manage a light hit just to get their eye in.
The physical warm up is probably more important prior to the match rather than the hitup bit.
The idea of the 40min solo practice the day before is a good one - remember anxious athletes often leave their "guts" on the court the day before, and feel happy that they are playing well, but if you have done the work there should be no panic to cramb in this last minute effort.

Any questions on that approach?

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From raystrach - 03 Apr 2006 - 23:44

as you can see viper, i am doing rita's job while she is away - splashing across all forum items making a nuisance of myself.

 what you are asking is an individual choice. I personally don't like to practice on the day of a match, nor do I like to have a long hit up by myself in between games. it only makes me worse! i find that da before pretty good, but it may not be for everyone.

take note that one single solo practice will not achieve all that much although it might sort out a few minor issues. you will need it on a weekly basis over quite a number of weeks to really make a difference.

having said all that, don't let me put you off. what you are doing is good - experiment and see for yourself what is most effective for you.

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The Gold videos have certainly been enlightening and have given me lots to work on, and not just in terms of this particular scenario.

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