Improving players.
Published: 28 Mar 2006 - 03:38 by JJSOOTY
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:36
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My squash club is at my local leisure centre, so obviously isn't the only sport played there. Because of this I can forgive there being not quite as many coaching sessions available for squash as there are at 'pure' squash clubs. However I have noticed that whilst there is an ongoing scheme for youngsters in the game (6-16 year olds) there's not really anything for older players wanting to improve. Now I shouldn't really complain, being 15, but to tell you the truth the under 16 coaching sessions are full of excited little kids who take a long time to do ANYTHING squash related. There are a couple of older regulars but the 2 coaches are so busy trying to sort out the younger ones that we never really get any proper coaching, so it's a bit of a waste of money. What I used to do was go to a 16+ improver training course (I was let in because the coach sympathised with me!) but these have stopped as the coach has broken his leg. I'm beginning to get restless without any real training now as there are no other courses. Is this a normal thing in squash clubs?

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From JJSOOTY - 07 May 2006 - 00:12
From markinjapan - 29 Mar 2006 - 20:17
Apart from that, watch lots of squash videos, both game and training, and work on things by yourself. I go to the club about twice a week for solo practice. I love pushing myself faster and faster from side to side with cross court drives.
From rippa rit - 28 Mar 2006 - 07:33
- In fact there are not many clubs in this country that have resident coaches but maybe staff that can give a few hints or club members as a free service.
- The other way is to make private arrangements for lessons on a 1 on 1 basis which is expensive.
- I can make a few suggestions:-
- 1.Get another 2 or 3 players your standard who want some lessons, and pay a coach to do a few group session, with topics say, serve and return, volley, back wall drives, back wall boasts, drops, so that will be about 8/10 weeks effort I would say at least.
- If the coach is experienced they should then be able to give you some skills practice for homework together with some pair practice routines which you can all enjoy together in between the lessons.
- 2.Suggest the club have a few raffles so that some club coaching can be organised/funded/subsidised in club practice times.
- 3.See what is available at nearby clubs and maybe you can take advantage of their services too.
- 4.Suggest the existing coaching be divided into levels, so that the more advanced are not thrown in with the young beginners.
- 5. Put a notice on the board and see what other interest there is in coaching so a proposal can be put to a local coach.
From aprice1985 - 28 Mar 2006 - 04:50

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