So Much To Do, So Little Time
Published: 26 Mar 2006 - 21:25 by raystrach
Updated: 27 Mar 2006 - 20:49
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I head overseas in a couple of weeks and I am flat out trying to finish everything I have got on my plate before I go away. Consequently my blogs may not be as regular as they ought to be.
Unfortunately my match on Thursday did not eventuate as the team had a bye. Next week will be busy Squash wise. - i think i am to play on three nights in addition to coaching.
I practiced yesterday afternoon after a couple of hours coaching. (I coached mainly beginners yesterday and their enthusiasm was palpable. My experience is that people love Squash and if those who ran clubs actually provided some enthusiastic service to those who are just taking up the sport, we would have heaps of new players.)
but sorry i digress...
my practice game confirmed that I have gone up a notch in standard and that some confidence is returning. I just have to make sure I continue with my solo practice. (still looking fo clubs/players in france, italy, turkey greece and other while i am away!) one bloke that i played is a former state level player who has not played for a few years because of heel spurs (no, not on his cowboy boots) he was worried about not having the speed or fitness to play like he used to !! i wonder why? I assured him he needed to keep at it and he will come good!
I will swim again tomorrow but not with any enthusiasm. just focussed on getting everything finished before 7/4/2006. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Unfortunately my match on Thursday did not eventuate as the team had a bye. Next week will be busy Squash wise. - i think i am to play on three nights in addition to coaching.
I practiced yesterday afternoon after a couple of hours coaching. (I coached mainly beginners yesterday and their enthusiasm was palpable. My experience is that people love Squash and if those who ran clubs actually provided some enthusiastic service to those who are just taking up the sport, we would have heaps of new players.)
but sorry i digress...
my practice game confirmed that I have gone up a notch in standard and that some confidence is returning. I just have to make sure I continue with my solo practice. (still looking fo clubs/players in france, italy, turkey greece and other while i am away!) one bloke that i played is a former state level player who has not played for a few years because of heel spurs (no, not on his cowboy boots) he was worried about not having the speed or fitness to play like he used to !! i wonder why? I assured him he needed to keep at it and he will come good!
I will swim again tomorrow but not with any enthusiasm. just focussed on getting everything finished before 7/4/2006. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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