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Missed By That Much!

Published: 23 Mar 2006 - 09:51 by raystrach

Updated: 23 Mar 2006 - 09:51

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Fans of the classic American television series, "Get Smart" would know exactly what this title refers to, although it has been somewhat embedded in western popular culture since the seventies. For those who have no idea, the program was a satirical look at the Cold War and protrayed the respective spy agencies as bumbling idiots. The title refers to a term often used by th show's hero, Maxwell Smart, after he completely botched yet another mission. He mistakenly thought he had gone close to achieving success.

I am not too sure how close I was in achieving success, but I definitely achieved my best performance since restarting competition 12 months ago. Although I lost a reasonably close fifth game, only a couple of technical faults prevented me from taking out the match.

Despite losing. I did a lot of things right against Peter, who is Australian Ranked in the 19 years division.
  • I played very positively overall
  • I hung in well even whe losing and had the where with all to comeback after being down
  • I covered the court well and for the first time was able to put pressure on him at the front of the court - he has murdered me there in the past
  • My short kills worked well although my backhand was not as tight as the forehand and closed up the forehand racket face a couple of times which resulted in tin
  • I volleyed quite well thoughout
  • My fitness held up well except in the first game where we had one huge rally towards the end of the game (6-6 or 7-7 at the time) which completely stuffed me for a few minutes. I lost the game but recovered well for the second.
The main areas where I fell down...
  • I closed the racket face up on the forehand a few of times - two late in the fifth were particularly crucial
  • Tended to cross court  too much from the forehand, especially in the middle of the match
  • Had a couple of periods where I lost concentration and lost a few points straight
  • probably did not vary the pace quite enough  although this was a minor fault
This performance was a definite step up for me as Peter has been playing well and I have been finding it dificult to get a single game from him in the recent past.

I was particularly pleased with the fourth game where he had built up a good lead. In the past he closed out the game easily and he tried to do the same tonite. He started to cruise a little, so I grabbed my chance and rally dominated. He tried very hard to increase his intensity, but I stayed calm and stayed right on top despite his efforts. That wa a pyschological breakthrough for me.

I must follow this up with another good performance tomorrow night. If I do I will know that I have made that step up I have been talking about for a few weeks now.

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