Did I Ever Tell You...?
Published: 22 Mar 2006 - 08:14 by raystrach
Updated: 22 Mar 2006 - 12:10
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Did I ever tell you how much I hate swimming. Because I have been playing a little more Squash and in a period were I am working physically harder, I have only been swimming about once per week and although it is less than before, I think it is harder to do.
From my practice on Sunday, my back went sightly "out" and so I only swum 500 mts. I went pretty hard but it seemed silly to go on as I was feeling uncomfortable. While I waited for my darling wife to finish, I did some stretches and hey presto - got the spasm out of my back (most of it) - a very good result.
Because I am working near my club, I decided I would have a short solo practice - 30 minutes. spent the first 20 minutes practicing my stroke and control - especially straight with quick repitition. I may have mentioned a couple of weeks ago I decided to reintroduce more upper body rotation back into my swing. This has been a success so far but tere is still some work to do to make it more automatic.
This element of technique may not work for everyone, but it does work for me. in theory, it could lessen your ability to hit tight, but for me it makes my swing smoother, which means greater control.
I have got a question for you the reader.
After 20 minutes of hitting there was a knock at the door.
"Want a hit mate?" was the question. "I have only got a few minutes left - if you really want to" I responded." hoping he might get the hint I really did not want to. - He didn't. I was annoyed. He was not a particularly good player although he was not a rank beginner.
We played for about 15 minutes and for the first 12 I decided I would not slow up (although generally I was not going for winners I was just hitting the ball back). He was flat out making the rallies last for more than 3 shots. I finally relented and slowed right up, having a few rallies which he could actually play.
He could obviously see I was practising when he knocked at the door(glass backs) he knew he was no where near my standard. Now the questions.
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From my practice on Sunday, my back went sightly "out" and so I only swum 500 mts. I went pretty hard but it seemed silly to go on as I was feeling uncomfortable. While I waited for my darling wife to finish, I did some stretches and hey presto - got the spasm out of my back (most of it) - a very good result.
Because I am working near my club, I decided I would have a short solo practice - 30 minutes. spent the first 20 minutes practicing my stroke and control - especially straight with quick repitition. I may have mentioned a couple of weeks ago I decided to reintroduce more upper body rotation back into my swing. This has been a success so far but tere is still some work to do to make it more automatic.
This element of technique may not work for everyone, but it does work for me. in theory, it could lessen your ability to hit tight, but for me it makes my swing smoother, which means greater control.
I have got a question for you the reader.
After 20 minutes of hitting there was a knock at the door.
"Want a hit mate?" was the question. "I have only got a few minutes left - if you really want to" I responded." hoping he might get the hint I really did not want to. - He didn't. I was annoyed. He was not a particularly good player although he was not a rank beginner.
We played for about 15 minutes and for the first 12 I decided I would not slow up (although generally I was not going for winners I was just hitting the ball back). He was flat out making the rallies last for more than 3 shots. I finally relented and slowed right up, having a few rallies which he could actually play.
He could obviously see I was practising when he knocked at the door(glass backs) he knew he was no where near my standard. Now the questions.
- Do you think he was rude interrupting my practice without even the courtesy introducing himself?
- Would I have been within my rights to say no?
- Do you think I was justifiably annoyed at this intrusion?
- Do you think I behaved badly by giving him a hiding in the rallies we played?
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From aprice1985 - 22 Mar 2006 - 12:10
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