Published: 16 Mar 2006 - 05:58 by lowrider
Updated: 16 Mar 2006 - 18:40
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who else is a member of this site? i just found it and started downloading matches. it is awesome. i havent watched TV for days, i have just been watching archived matches. and they will show live feeds of tourneys when they are playing. stoked.
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From drop-shot - 16 Mar 2006 - 18:40
From aprice1985 - 16 Mar 2006 - 06:22
Yeah, i think it is great, wait until some live matches get going and then get into the chat room as well, great fun but don't take it all too seriously in there! When you get good clear consistant streaming you get some great views, i watched the TOC i think it was and saw a brilliant few matches in it, i just wish it was cheaper, not all students can afford to watch all the matches, even if i had time.
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I think i was one of the first lovers of psalive services, when they still weree named horizon software and did broadcast games in 2004. Since then their service improved rapidly and it is going to be only better and better... As Arthur said - just wait until LIVE BROADCAST and you will enjoy more chatting live to other members.
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