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How's This for a List of Excuses

Published: 15 Mar 2006 - 09:49 by raystrach

Updated: 17 Mar 2006 - 10:21

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Resumed swimming yesterday after a week or two off and went ok - the muscular endurance (arms) was not as good as before but I coped. Also played tonite, but for the first time in quite a while it was all too hard.

How's this for a list of excuses...
  • Working very long hours at the moment and still going backwards
  • Called in at the last minute as the team was needing players (i changed my Brisbane playing night to thursday)
  • Had to coach, but got off to a late start because had a problem with a website i manage (not this one)
  • Forgot my bandana at home - couldn't buy one at the club (prevent sweat getting on to my eyewear)
  • Couldn't get my contact lenses - ran out - had to play without them
  • My best racket had the strings broken so had to play with the one which is too light.
  • Started Ok - unusual bounce on the floor, but I managed won the first
  • Was doing it comfortably then had a brain explosion then started missing -and couldn't stop (and worse still I couldn't care)
  • Broke my second racket on the handle (yes the handle - first time ever) on just a normal shot (no wall)
  • Got upset when my opponent had a break of at least 6 minutes between the third and fourth games (yes 6 minutes that 4 x 1.5 minutes+ - couldn't believe it - the ref didn't seem to think there was a problem - got extremely annoyed)
But you know what?

Not one of those things prevented me from winning. I just did not have the discipline in me to guts it out and to grind it out. The tyeam had alreadly lost on the night, and they did not show any interest in encouraging me in between games. I decided after I lost the second game that i was going to win it going for my shots, but I am just not hitting them well enough. Tin, tin, tin.

Each of the games were quite close but I did not have that little extra that i can nomally call on to finish it off - bloody annoying.

Because I am playing the next two nights, I decided that putting in the big ones was going to kiil me for thursday when I think I have to play Craig Rowland (fmr WR 7) I am going to have to put in a bigger effort if I am to even make an impression on the scorer.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From aprice1985 - 17 Mar 2006 - 10:21

Yeah that also worked for me, i only started playing at 16 and am only 20 so havn't been at it long and have never really bbeen coached

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From rippa rit - 17 Mar 2006 - 08:01

I do not know if this can be added to the list of excuses but..... I just want to let you guys into a secret. 
Craig was not long out of diapers when he first put a racket in his hand, and Ray was already shaving when he decided to pick up a racket.
Sure makes a difference in the long run.

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From hagesy - 17 Mar 2006 - 07:32   -   Updated: 17 Mar 2006 - 07:37

Good luck against Craig. He started playing squash at Scotvale park, ( my club).  I played him and scott arnold  at a tournament we had last year.  I got one point of both but i think they were purring along between 1st and 2nd gear.  It was a good match when they played against each other.  It is amazing how good they are.


good luck


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From raystrach - 16 Mar 2006 - 10:30

aprice - you have got it in one

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From aprice1985 - 16 Mar 2006 - 06:22

Yes these are similar to what i said when i lost, truth is he was better than me and the only exucse is iu didn;t train hard enough.

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Excellent tip that Rita.

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