Info for Your Squashgame


Published: 14 Jul 2004 - 18:34 by rippa rit

Updated: 11 Apr 2008 - 08:06

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When a player is stuck behind there is a tendency by some players to crowd by occupying a position too close to the striker, and even push their opponent. If this should happen the Referee may stop play and award the appropriate Rule 17 penalty (Conduct on Court).

The Referee has further powers under Rule 12.12.1:(Interference):

  • Pushing an opponent is considered to be dangerous play (unnecessary physical contact).
  • If this persists the Referee should stop play and issue a "Conduct warning" to the offending player.
  • If pushing continues the Referee shall award a "Conduct Stroke".
  • If the pushing is deliberate and excessive and persistent the Referee, at his discretion, shall award a stroke, or game, or match.


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My search query found your posting pointing me to that....thanks so much!!  

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