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Squash Clips

Published: 13 Mar 2006 - 20:11 by anjabro

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:34

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I have quite a few squash clips that I found on the internet ages ago, and I'd like some more, so I thought I'd start the ball rolling on a clips thread, if anyone else has any you could maybe upload them to a file hosting site(there are loads of free ones...)and link it in here..  This is a clip containing three 'Corkscrews', a shot that I try regularly but am yet to execute perfectly...Two of them (18 secs/52 secs) get vollied(volleyed..??), but the one at 44 secs is an absolute beaut... There is also a weird fake backhand thing at 30 secs, which is so fast I still don't know what he actually does... To be played in Quicktime player...Enjoy...

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From rippa rit - 08 Jul 2007 - 11:01   -   Updated: 08 Jul 2007 - 11:02

I just deleted this link as it now goes to some advertising site and the clip is nowhere to be found.  I know that does happen with link, they can be short lived.
Ya gotta be quick!!

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From drop-shot - 15 Mar 2006 - 23:54   -   Updated: 15 Mar 2006 - 23:55

Well, nothing shocking in John White "corkscrew" shots. He mastered that shot for ages and I think he should be paid royalties for that inventive shot. But from the other hand, it's not really winning shot as you could see. It makes a sudden surprise on the opponent, but once you have learned patience on court, you can reply that shot easily.

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From medved - 15 Mar 2006 - 09:53

i could have downloaded the file i.e. link works

but i already have it before ;)

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From hamburglar - 13 Mar 2006 - 21:02

That used to be on the site, which is no longer up. The fake backhand at 30 secs. is a faked backwall lob to a straight drive.

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From Viper - 13 Mar 2006 - 20:57

Links do not work.

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great advice from everyone, thanks a million

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