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Can we organise a Q & A session with past champs ?

Published: 13 Mar 2006 - 15:33 by Viper

Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 16:19

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It seems Rita and Ray have connections to some of the best squash players that have ever played the game.

It would be something special if a session could be organised where we could pick their brains here on the forums.

Maybe a thread could be started where we could post up a numbers of questions to a particular champ, the thread could then be closed whilst that person replied.

Someone like Heather McKay / Sarah Fitz, Hunt etc, would be fantastic.

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From raystrach - 13 Mar 2006 - 16:13   -   Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 16:19

Rita and i  have discussed this at length many times and it will happen, but it is a question of when. there are things planned soon for our squash websites which will tie in with what you suggest.

chat and podcasts are also two areas where these ideas will take us reasonably soon.

viper, thanks for the suggestion

in fact you can chat online now - either with the SquashGame toolbar (all visitors) or using the link on the left (members only access)  This is the chat link

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