Hard Practice At Last
Published: 13 Mar 2006 - 14:12 by raystrach
Updated: 15 Mar 2006 - 09:27
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So i went down to my club in brisbane, late so i could get a good solo practice in and who should be there? A young victim. This victim happens to be the son of a mate of mine who lives in provincial Queensland. The son, Dominic, I had not seen in about 7 or 8 years so not only had he grown, but his Squash had improved drastically - he is ranked in Queensland quite highly in the 19 years age group.
I had been told he was coming to Brisbane to go to university (which is where I play) an was asked if we could find a spot for him in a team. That was about 6 weeks ago and had not heard anything since. So it was fortunate our paths crossed, we met again (even though he did not recognise me).
We had a good game. It was a pleasure to practice hard. To have the opportunity to work on things that I have only been experiencing in my competition games lately, was great. I was so focussed, on what I was doing, half way through the second game he askedme if I knew my strings were broken. They were a mess! I just thought there was something wrong with the ball - or me!
I am no quite sure who ended up being the victim! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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From raystrach - 15 Mar 2006 - 09:27
From hagesy - 14 Mar 2006 - 12:08 - Updated: 14 Mar 2006 - 12:14
Hey Ray
I am just wondering if you played against Dominic Mobbs, Jim Mobbs son. I played against him a few times in junior tournaments in central queenland. The first couple of times we played some good hard matches and i believe i was the victor. However last year he cleaned me up twice in the one tournament, round robin and in the final. He was definately the better player that weekend. I look forward to the next time we play.
From hagesy - 14 Mar 2006 - 12:07
From lowballerdom - 14 Mar 2006 - 06:31 - Updated: 14 Mar 2006 - 06:44
I don't know what any of that means or who Robinson is, but it definately sounds good to me! hahaha...
I think that over thinking makes squash too complicated and then I forget the reason why I play.
From raystrach - 13 Mar 2006 - 18:02
sometimes i think that the only way i am keeping myself flexible is because kick myself in the backside so often!!
I call your problem (after winning, going bad) the "aren't I a great player" syndrome. there is something i all of us which, after a good win, says "Gee I'm good, I don't even have to try to win, i am so good"
keep on concnetrating on the things that made you good and don't get carried away. as fo smarter, i have to keep relearning things after xxxxxx years. you ain't robinson crusoe dom!
keep at it
a couple of tips i got from the Guru
" success is the triumph of luck over incompetance" and failure?
"the triumph of ineptitude over effort"
i don't know what any of it means but it sounds good
From lowballerdom - 13 Mar 2006 - 15:37 - Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 16:10
I think your struggle to make it to the top is great. I too am fighting the good fight and am often motivated by breakthroughs in my game.
Although, in the short time I have been playing,I have already had some set backs, burnout, lack of motivation, etc. I won my first tournament last month and all of a sudden got worse. After a good kick in the butt from my coach last week, I think I am back in the swing of things, most of it was in my head, or so I'm told... at this point, everything he tells me is gospel.
'Buzz' words that are working for me right now are "Fitter, faster, stronger, smarter, better" I have been convinced by my coach that whether I'm playing an A player or a novice I am indeed at least 4 of the 5, we are still working on the smarter part. But whether it is true or not, this is the mental fuel that gets me through both a tough match or an "supposed" easy game.
Keep up your hard practice, and don't rest on your laurels or I'll come down there and give you a good kick in the butt. hahaha.
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