Entering a league.
Published: 13 Mar 2006 - 04:06 by JJSOOTY
Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 07:20
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I have been playing squash quite regularly for about 2 years now but haven't yet been able to pluck up the courage to enter the league. I've had quite a bit of training but I just want to make sure that I'm good enough before joining. What sort of competence level do I need to be at? I'm not even sure if 15 is old enough for the league!
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From rippa rit - 13 Mar 2006 - 07:17 - Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 07:20
From hagesy - 13 Mar 2006 - 06:31 - Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 06:35
I am sure you are at a competent level of play. Make sure you call your lets, as players wont appreciate being hit by a ball or racquet. Make sure you have fun too.
P.S: ALso i know at my club league (Scotvale Park), it is compulsory for all juniors to wear protective eyewear when on the court at all times. This might be something you might have to look into too.
good luck.
P.S: ALso i know at my club league (Scotvale Park), it is compulsory for all juniors to wear protective eyewear when on the court at all times. This might be something you might have to look into too.
good luck.
From aprice1985 - 13 Mar 2006 - 04:16
Join asap and even if you are slaughtered you should learn and improve, i didn't have that oppertunity and it is coming back to bite me now. Check the age limit in some it may be 16 for insurance but most should be okay, even if you can't join see if you can leave a number for people interested in a match to call you.
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I suggest, if you feel unsure about the commitment, start just as a reserve (fill in) for a team, or social round robin for starters, and that will ease you into competition.
This way, you will ascertain your grading too.
Age is normally not a barrier to competition, but the equivalent level of play is usually the primary consideration to joining a comp. team/league.
The club may have a player ladder, where members challenge each other.
The club may also have some local rules for their comp so just ask for a read, eg it could be mens, womens, mixed, junior, etc.
You will need to know the rules, as you will probably have to do your turn at scoring. Here is our link which might be helpful. How to score using a score sheet.
Let us know how it goes?
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