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Published: 13 Mar 2006 - 03:55 by JJSOOTY

Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 07:09

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I'm having a bit of difficulty attaching my karakal PRU grip.  Can anyone give me some instructions on attaching it right?squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 13 Mar 2006 - 07:03   -   Updated: 13 Mar 2006 - 07:09

Welcome to the forum - here is a link which might help.   How to Add/replace a grip
The angle you start winding the grip on is important.
Overlap  the bottom (first wind around) well, as that takes a bit of strain, as sometimes it is used as a sort of anchor point when holding the racket. Though I do recommend you hold the racket up a bit higher not to hold it by the end.
If you have any problems please let us know.  I am interested to know how the "replace grip" instructions worked too?

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Thanks a million, rippa rit! I'm going to the club now, actually

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