Marker or Referee - a Few Little Tips
Published: 11 Mar 2006 - 08:56 by rippa rit
Updated: 11 Mar 2006 - 08:56
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One can never have too much experience at Marking and Refereeing as every time a player goes to court "something else happens" and it is so helpful if you have a good ref. - in fact it is a blessing.
Here are some tips to assist becoming a better Marker/Referee.
Print it out in fact and put it on the wall at the courts and hope someone will learn from it too.
It is so frustrating when you try to do your best, and the others don't care a rats.
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Here are some tips to assist becoming a better Marker/Referee.
Print it out in fact and put it on the wall at the courts and hope someone will learn from it too.
It is so frustrating when you try to do your best, and the others don't care a rats.
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