The big FLOP
Published: 09 Mar 2006 - 08:02 by aprice1985
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:21
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I played my first ever competative game of squash today in a local ladder, i went in division 9 and had high hopes of a victory but it was not to be. I was playing someone with experience playing competativly and who had played for longer than me. I couldn't get my game going after a tough day standing in the cold and not warming up properly, his game was too good and my straight drives weren't very straight, i kept boasting even though i shouldn't have and they weren't working and played none of the drop shots i have been practicing. Back to the drawing board and more practise for Arthur

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From drop-shot - 09 Mar 2006 - 20:55 - Updated: 09 Mar 2006 - 20:55
From rippa rit - 09 Mar 2006 - 20:33
Sounds like you were a bit anxious which is natural for your first serious comp match.
In the first comp match I played yonks ago, it was a handicap against a top ranked player, and all I knew then was just run and chase the ball, and get it back into play, and when I walked on the court and started the hit up I felt as though I had one leg longer than the other, or the floor was sort of on an angle, so imagine what they did to the drives and drops etc.
Keep going, you are not alone...............!!
From raystrach - 09 Mar 2006 - 11:06
it sure is different to the social game!! - but you'll adjust.
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After the tournament I did stretching, warm down, went back home to relax and recover... and on Monday morning I was back with the coach on the court. No time to celebrate. And anyway – I'm feeling too much humility towards squash to Celebrate something like this. I'd jump with joy if I win the tournament for higher grade division than mine.
My hint for Arthur is to play competitive matches more often, playing under pressure and learning to cope with big match nerves... experience comes with the number of games you play.
Another good point touched by Rita is anxiousness, and this is really part of the game. It's crucial to learn how to deal with that but I've found many hints on mental approach in our forum, so Arthur, chin up, ops, sorry, racket up, keep on playing, man!!!
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