Improved Showing
Published: 09 Mar 2006 - 08:00 by raystrach
Updated: 09 Mar 2006 - 11:18
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Wouldn't you know it. I have played him twice in the past month - now make that 3 times. Up until now the result has been 6 -0 in games. Not a great result, but at least this time there were some encouraging signs.
Steven was again the superior player, but I did give him something to think about. As the Guru says in one of his tips, Squash is like a see saw. In the first game, when I was fresh, moving well, and had my wits about me, I was able to keep up with the pace of the game, took the ball early, and, as a result, kept him under pressure.
That pressure caused mistakes.
While I was playing strongly, he made mistakes, I won the game. The match was won and lost in the second. I didn't play anywhere near agressively enough. I got caught behind too often and eneded up doing too much chasing and ended up getting a little tired. This is the thing - spend your energy being agressive, working hard to take the ball early and getting in front, you make them break down. When you spend your energy just chasing the ball, they get energised, you get tired, you end up making mistakes/getting tired/losing games, points.
After that I had lost the edge I needed to really compete and so it was the familiar story - quite a few hands in but very few points. At least I showed some promise in my court movement and my technique is showing signs of coming good so there is light at he end of the tunnel
I have been doing some building work in the past week or so, so I have not had time to go swimming, and, in any case, the building work is a very good training tool. It's amazing how you discover muscles you forgot you had just by carrying a few bits of timber and walking up and down ladders about a million times a day. This is very good for my sore left knee - it provides plently of strengthening opportunities.
That's the one good thing about building. And of course the dollars to support this web site! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
Steven was again the superior player, but I did give him something to think about. As the Guru says in one of his tips, Squash is like a see saw. In the first game, when I was fresh, moving well, and had my wits about me, I was able to keep up with the pace of the game, took the ball early, and, as a result, kept him under pressure.
That pressure caused mistakes.
While I was playing strongly, he made mistakes, I won the game. The match was won and lost in the second. I didn't play anywhere near agressively enough. I got caught behind too often and eneded up doing too much chasing and ended up getting a little tired. This is the thing - spend your energy being agressive, working hard to take the ball early and getting in front, you make them break down. When you spend your energy just chasing the ball, they get energised, you get tired, you end up making mistakes/getting tired/losing games, points.
After that I had lost the edge I needed to really compete and so it was the familiar story - quite a few hands in but very few points. At least I showed some promise in my court movement and my technique is showing signs of coming good so there is light at he end of the tunnel
I have been doing some building work in the past week or so, so I have not had time to go swimming, and, in any case, the building work is a very good training tool. It's amazing how you discover muscles you forgot you had just by carrying a few bits of timber and walking up and down ladders about a million times a day. This is very good for my sore left knee - it provides plently of strengthening opportunities.
That's the one good thing about building. And of course the dollars to support this web site! How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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From raystrach - 09 Mar 2006 - 11:18
From rippa rit - 09 Mar 2006 - 08:38
Ray, I think this bloke has a plan for each game maybe,eg
I think you have to flex in and out of that hard and fast stuff, or you will "blow a fuse" either from exhaustion or frustration. Maybe
- in the first game move this fella around till he is puffing; make the rallies long and hand. don't go for too many shots;
- in the second game, move him about up the front, and get some errors happening;
- in the third game, so he is tired, and frustrated, so keep the pressure on.
I think you have to flex in and out of that hard and fast stuff, or you will "blow a fuse" either from exhaustion or frustration. Maybe
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