Tall squash players?
Published: 07 Mar 2006 - 00:06 by reraw
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:20
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I have recently began playing squash for a club, about 6/7 months now, and i have noticed that alot of the better sqaush players are six footish types. I am only 5, 8". Do you need to be tall to be a really good squash player?.

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From Bolgy - 14 Mar 2006 - 12:03
From lowrider - 13 Mar 2006 - 16:40
just like anyone else it is something you have to adapt too. it is hard, but its also hard playing someone whose 5'5" and hella fast. different opponents = different game.
From raystrach - 07 Mar 2006 - 07:35
there are plently of examples of short champions. i remember reporting on this site in an answer to a question that jahingir khan, one of the greaest ever, was 5' 9'. geoff hunt was about the same.
reraw , dont let your height hold you back!
From rippa rit - 07 Mar 2006 - 07:17 - Updated: 07 Mar 2006 - 07:20
Well, I have been thinking about the new breed of player recently, and they are not the norm average size any more. Maybe the hot bouncy ball due to the new style power rackets, fitter players, prolonged rallies suits the stature.
As Arthur said the height sure makes the lob hard to get over their head with that tremendous reach.
With a long gangly person, it is certainly an advantage to make them twist and turn, as it is hard on the body and fitness moving those limbs around, and then bending down, and recovering to the centre court.
Smaller players are generally quicker, and more agile. Therefore, what they lack in reach they gain in speed. They probably move around quieter so are harder to track. So the shorter players have to creep around under the armpits of the others, hey!
Yeah, like all the other attributes and strategies, there are pluses and minuses.
Remember there are always exceptions to the rules.
The bottom line is, what can we do about it - nil.
From drop-shot - 07 Mar 2006 - 02:43 - Updated: 07 Mar 2006 - 02:43
From aprice1985 - 07 Mar 2006 - 02:18
From drop-shot - 07 Mar 2006 - 01:03 - Updated: 07 Mar 2006 - 01:03
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There are plenty of short players out there who do really well though, a good current example is Alex Gough. Machine! What ever he lacks in reach he makes up for in pure speed. Bengy's another one, and Peter Nicol is not much taller.
Just play to your strengths.
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